what's the best way to report problems with kubuntu 15.10?

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Fri Sep 11 10:14:40 UTC 2015


What is the best way to suggest improvements or feature-inclusions for 
Kubuntu (15.10)?.

The bugzillas and their kin are not suited for constructive remarks or 
helpful, happy thought. Bugzillas are really quite hostile places.

JIRA on the other hand (the Atlassian thing) provides for a much more 
friendly environment not only in terms of the user interface, but also 
in terms of having main categories for feature suggestions and that sort 
of thing. It is much more amenable to inviting and valuing and 
appreciating user input and "hey, maybe this would be a good idea".

That said, I'm not sure how I can even suggest anything. It seems rather 
hard to talk to or communicate here.

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