questions re kubuntu 15.10 on "high"-resolution laptop.

Thomas Rahimi thomas.rahimi at
Fri Oct 23 11:39:59 UTC 2015


least for the IP-address nothing changed so far, you just open the
network-manager for this certain connection and choose the IPv4 chart in
it. There you can set the method of IP-address-gaining, in your case you
may choose manually and then enter all the stuff required for the



Am 23.10.2015 um 12:47 schrieb robert:
> Hi there,
> I just installed  kubuntu 15.10 on my dell xps15 wich has a
> "retina"-like 4-k display.
> Now I have two questions:
> 1. I can not log into the net, and I do not find any way to configure
> the network (both wireles and wired). Where do I find this settings?
>     I found how to set a internet proy, but not how to set the ip address..
> 2. How can I scale UI?
>     I found "scale display" in the system setting. But this only sales
> the content of opened windows, but not the UI.. How do I scale the UI
> elements?
> thanks
> Robert

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Thomas Rahimi

thomas.rahimi at
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