[15.04 64Bit]-Stop Complaining About It...

Girard Henri girardhenri at free.fr
Sun May 17 00:50:12 UTC 2015

Le 17/05/2015 00:12, David Lang a écrit :
> On Sat, 16 May 2015, Billie Walsh wrote:
>> On 05/16/2015 05:24 PM, Glenn Holmer wrote:
>>> On 05/16/2015 04:01 PM, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
>>>> We do not *ever* advocate every Kubuntu user to upgrade when they are
>>>> happy with what they have. Plasma 5.3 is running very well for me.
>>>> Please please please file bugs when you encounter them, or comment on
>>>> already filed bug reports, in launchpad if it is packaging mistakes,
>>>> in bugs.kde.org for problems upstream.
>>> "Some settings not preserved across sessions"
>>> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=343875
>>> "I cannot set my short date to YYYY-MM-DD, nor my time to HH:MM"
>>> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340982
>>> Having made the obligatory references to my pet bugs again, I will say
>>> that I seriously considered switching to MATE, but in the end found it
>>> less polished than KDE. Despite some shortcomings, Plasma 5 is still 
>>> the
>>> most gorgeous and feature-rich desktop out there on any operating
>>> system, and I'm sticking with it.
>> When your riding on the cutting edge expect to get bloody.
> Fedora is supposed to be the bleeding edge, or running from PPAs ahead 
> of normal releases. Ubuntu releases are not supposed to be bleeding 
> edge. Is Kubuntu redefining this and saying that Kubuntu is only 
> supposed to be reliable if you run LTS releases and non-LTS releases 
> are only for those who want to be bleeding edge? If this is the case, 
> I think that you are going to drive away a lot of users. What is the 
> advantage of running Ubuntu instead of Fedora as a base? Fedora tends 
> to push for newer versions of things than Ubuntu does, so if you are 
> after the latest and hopefully greatest, it would be a better base to 
> work from than Ubuntu.
> David Lan
I like fedora too... But compiling is not so easy as in ubuntu, often 
one can't find libs. In fact when used to one distro, less drawbacks.

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