transfer to a new disk - HDD to SSD

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Sun Mar 1 07:31:44 UTC 2015

Dear all,

I have bought an SSD and am about to migrate to it. As I do not just
want to make "clone" but will exclude some things from the existing disc
(such as Windows7 recovery partition) and also want to trim the new disk
to the best of my abilities I am pondering the way to go

Options I can think of:
1. Clonezilla partitions / and /home, install new disk and the
clonezilla back (you have to edit stuff to move partions that do not
have same name but it is doable)
2. Use Remastersys to create an install disk of my installation with all
mods  have done, use Luckyback to restore data after installation
3. Fresh installation, use Luckyback to restore data after installation,
reinstall all updates etc

In connection with option 3, I recall someone (Baas Roufs?) showing how
to create a list of your repositories and installed packages to later
"import" these and get back to "updated" reasonably simple.

If someone has ideas about that, how to save your repo-list and your
installed packages, I would be grateful. Also of course any other ideas
and opinions in regards to moving everything (not using direct disk to
disk cloning) is much welcome.

Kind regards,

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