Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Jun 30 17:27:37 UTC 2015

On Tuesday 30 June 2015 12:53:07 Dale Trombley wrote:
> So this starts my search for a new kde-centric distro. Any suggestions
> Debian is too far behind and too slow to turn out new releases
> opensuse seems like the best candidate for me
> needs apt and/or apt-get command line
> Prefer to have codecs already installed (Linux mint kde is good, but
> what happens to it now?)
> I don't trust ubuntu anymore so I may jump ship even if not forced to.
> Love Love Love kubuntu, wish canonical would quite screwing with it
> so.

I hope you don't mind the commercial, but the best I've managed to setup 
recently was wheezy, killing/purging all of KDE, then installing all 
of "TDE", the Trinity Desktop Environment.  Its a fork with some bugs 
swatted, of the end of the KDE 3.5 run. No surpises, once configured 
like you had kde 3 years ago, and it Just Works(TM).  I'm using the 
version called r14.  Love it.


Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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