Are there plans to drop X? - Was: Kubuntu 14.10 end of life

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Fri Jul 24 15:39:09 UTC 2015

On Fri, 24 Jul 2015 13:49:04 +0200, Jörn Schönyan wrote:
>The benefits? Plasma 5 is way faster (so that fixed complains in the
>past, KDE software would be too slow/heavy) and it paves the way for
>Wayland (but I guess that is the next thing you will complain about)

"Is Ubuntu dropping X?

No, X will be retained for backwards compatibility." -

"In summary, we have not chosen Wayland/Weston as our basis for
delivering a next-generation user experience as it does not fulfill our
requirements completely. More to this, with our protocol- and
platform-agnostic approach, we can make sure that we reach our goal of
a consistent and beautiful user experience across platforms and device
form factors. However, Wayland support could be added either by
providing a Wayland-specific frontend implementation for our display
server or by providing a client-side implementation of libwayland that
ultimately talks to Mir. " -

It's hard to find clear statments about Wayland on Ubuntu that are
up-to-date, but I suspect that even Ubuntu won't drop X, since Wayland
doesn't provide everything X does provide.

As long as X isn't dropped, the people who need X unlikely will

An old school X user unlikely needs X as the out of the box default,
special case xorg.confs either way have to be maintained by the users.

Off-topic: Btw. I already can't run GNOME 3 with X, because my graphics
isn't able to run GNOME 3. My hardware is modern enough for audio
real-time usage, I even could use Google Earth without issues, assumed
I would like to do so. If modern desktop environments need latest
hardware, I won't use them, since I'm against ;). What some people call
"progress" often is a "regression". Nobody should contribute to ;).

Back to the topic: Are there plans to drop X, or why did you mention it?


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