Package Listing

Clay Weber clay at
Fri Jan 30 00:05:23 UTC 2015

On Thursday, January 29, 2015 01:39:43 PM Bill Vance wrote:
> Howdy;
> I'm not sure which prog might be best for this, (apt, apt-get, etc.),
> or even if it can be done, but is there a command that will return a
> complete listing of all the programs that have been downloaded, since
> installation day one?
> Bill

Muon package manager has a history function (and I will guess that synaptic 
does as well), but that will not include anything installed manually (ie a deb 
file individually downloaded and installed ). I don't know how it looks or 
what info is displayed as this feature is broken at the moment in Plasma 5. 
Muon also has a "Save Installed Package List" which is a backup of the list of 
packages installed on your system, that can be restored after a  fresh 

Apt's history files are found in /var/log/apt
and dpkg history is at /var/log/dpkg.log
There would be some filtering needed to make these usable for your need.
I found a few possibly useful scripts here:
and here

Clay Weber

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