Cannot change printer settings without root access

Clay Weber clay at
Sat Jan 10 19:20:19 UTC 2015

On Saturday, January 10, 2015 09:44:30 AM Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> In order to change certain printer settings -- page size, print quality,
> and so on -- I have to be logged in as root on my 14.10 install, running
> KDE 4.14.1. I can't access these settings through any application that I
> want to print with, nor with the system settings dialog. The only way I can
> get to them is to run
> $ sudo systemsettings
> from the command line and change the settings there.
> Anyone know how to fix this?

As others have mentioned, running graphical programs with sudo is not a good 
thing to do, especially System Settings - there, if something requires admin  
privileges, it will prompt you for the password. Don't even run System 
Settings with kdesudo.

Your config file ownerships are definitely changed. to fix this, you will need 
to run this command to make sure all the files have the correct ownerships

sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername /home/yourusername

This will go through all the files in your home directory and change them back 
as required. You will be able to use System Settings as normal again.

Clay Weber

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