missing documentation

Charles T. Bell cbell44 at cfl.rr.com
Fri Dec 4 09:05:09 UTC 2015

On 12/04/2015 03:13 AM, Volker Wysk wrote:
> Am Thursday 03 December 2015, 15:52:32 schrieb Charles T. Bell:
>> On 12/03/2015 07:29 AM, Volker Wysk wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> When trying to open the documentation of KMail (press F1), I get the
>>> message "Documentation not Found". From timet to time I also get a
>>> notification of something like "Documentation not installed. It is in a
>>> separate package" (or simething like that). Sadly, it doesn't say which
>>> package that would be.
>>> How do I install the full documentation, or rather, how is it organized
>>> into packages in Kubuntu? I couldn't find a package named "kmail-doc" or
>>> similar, although I have installed "kdepim-doc" - which doesn't seem to
>>> contain the KMail docu.
>>> The KMail version is 5.0.2.
>> If you go half-way down the page on the "Documentation not Found" page,
>> you will find "KDE Documentation site".  Click on that URL and it will
>> take you to the site where you will find a list on the left hand side of
>> the page and you should click on "kdepim".  It will bring up the page
>> showing all the .pdfs for help and the fifth one down on the left is
>> KMail.  Download the .pdf.
>> Good luck!
> Thanks, found it. But you don't happen to know how to install the 
> documentation properly, such that it is found when pressing F1? 
> Looks like a Kubuntu bug, that it doesn't get installed.
> Bye
> Volker
No.  I would recommend engaging someone on this site:

As specialists in all things KDE someone should be able to help.
Or, they may just give you the bad news!
Good luck!

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