Boots without graphical interface

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at
Wed Dec 2 22:24:53 UTC 2015

Further information. The boot process functions normally until the boot 
screen gets to the point where it shows the big blue "K" button. At that 
point it goes to a black screen with a mouse pointer.

On 12/02/2015 12:29 PM, Billie Walsh wrote:
> A week or so ago I found an EeePC 1000HA. Cranked up the memory to two 
> gigs and changed the hard drive to a 750 gig. Installed Kubuntu 14.04, 
> I usually only use the LTS. Everything appears to load just fine and 
> works fine _until_ a reboot. No graphical desktop. I googled and tried 
> starting it from the terminal, no luck. If I reboot a few times it 
> usually will eventually show the desktop.
> Any ideas.

Fast is fine, but accuracy is final.
You must learn to be slow in a hurry.
-Wyatt Earp-

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