windows not preserved across sessions

Glenn Holmer shadowm at
Tue Apr 28 13:31:57 UTC 2015

On 04/24/2015 12:34 PM, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Glenn Holmer wrote:
>> In any case, I don't want to have to diddle about with scripts and
>> experiment with sleep times; I want the existing feature in the menu
>> to work. Otherwise what is it there for? It makes Plasma look
>> amateurish.
> Agreed. Let's hope that at least the next Kubuntu version has the bug 
> fixed.

Or the next Plasma version... I just upgraded to 5.3 via PPA and it's
still broken. This is clearly not considered important, but I'm
confused: if things like this aren't important enough to fix, why don't
the Plasma devs just start removing configuration options the way GNOME
did? Then I could have a good excuse to switch to a different DE and get
some closure.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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