Updating to 15.04

Richard Barmann reb68 at att.net
Tue Apr 7 12:32:54 UTC 2015

On 04/06/2015 10:43 PM, Clay Weber wrote:
> On Monday, April 06, 2015 06:09:09 PM Richard Barmann wrote:
>>> My Graphic says "Integrated in UniChrome  Pro Chipset" "Max Shared
>>> Video Memory is 64 MB"
> Ouch, this is a SiS gpu, which not only is garbage, but also has probably the
> worst linux support ever. The Nvidia, while still ancient, is at least
> supported in Linux, though if it is "beefy" enough for a modern, graphics-
> card-intensive desktop like plasma 5 is a really good question.
> However, the UniChrome *might* get you to a working desktop, assuming that it
> is actually the video that is keeping things from loading (which is most
> likely the case)..
>>> I do not remember how to check Bios.
>>> Dick Barmann
>>> I pluged the monior into the Mother Board VGA and just got a black
>>> screen. Of course I did not change any Bios.
> What steps do I take to change to the UniChrome to try it and use until I can afford a better card.
Dick Barmann

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