Updating to 15.04

Clay Weber clay at claydoh.com
Tue Apr 7 02:43:42 UTC 2015

On Monday, April 06, 2015 06:09:09 PM Richard Barmann wrote:

> > 
> > My Graphic says "Integrated in UniChrome  Pro Chipset" "Max Shared
> > Video Memory is 64 MB"

Ouch, this is a SiS gpu, which not only is garbage, but also has probably the 
worst linux support ever. The Nvidia, while still ancient, is at least 
supported in Linux, though if it is "beefy" enough for a modern, graphics-
card-intensive desktop like plasma 5 is a really good question. 

However, the UniChrome *might* get you to a working desktop, assuming that it 
is actually the video that is keeping things from loading (which is most 
likely the case)..

> > I do not remember how to check Bios.
> > Dick Barmann
> > 
> > I pluged the monior into the Mother Board VGA and just got a black
> > screen. Of course I did not change any Bios.

Clay Weber

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