Baloo is great! Re: Where has nepomuk gone?

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Tue May 27 10:14:40 UTC 2014

On 27/05/2014 10:19, Jörg von Frantzius wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> indexing is done with "Baloo" now:
> You can see a comparison of old and new system settings here:
> On this occasion I'd like to say that Baloo seems to work just great.
> First I thought it doesn't work at all, because I hadn't noticed heavy
> CPU use for indexing. But then the search in Dolphin turned out to work
> without fuzz, based on the Baloo index that got built without me even
> noticing :)
> Regards,
> Jörg
> 2014-05-18 0:35 GMT+02:00 Peter Maddison <ponchorat1968 at
> <mailto:ponchorat1968 at>>:
>     I'm running Kubuntu 12.04 (.3) KDE 4.13.0
>     I've had indexing problems as long as I can remember and I often
>     googled the
>     problem and found how to force an index but I was getting sick of
>     it. I have
>     since discovered that nepomuk has gone from my system.
>     How does it index now and how can I force an index as I am no longer
>     able to
>     see the option in system settings so where is it?
I am also happy with Baloo (who ever came up with that name) but as many 
others less pleased with the System Settings kcm module. There is a more 
"advanced" available for download and compiling at

that I managed to compile and use. Hope to see it become default

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