Blue shell Firefox?

Little Girl littlergirl at
Thu May 15 14:31:43 UTC 2014

Hey there,

Thomas Tanghus wrote:

> Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> > Classic Theme Restorer goes a long way to restoring the old looks
> > and behaviours
> >
> > Which is good, because in other respects 29 is a worthy upgrade -
> > it does seem faster and less of a resource hog to me.
> Thanks. First couldn't install it although that was was @firefox
> recommended. Forgot I had UA switcher on :P

I tried that add-on yesterday and didn't like the huge Bookmarks
button it put in my Bookmarks bar. I fiddled with it for a while, but
couldn't figure out how to get rid of it. I finally removed the
add-on, but will keep my eye on it in case Firefox becomes yet more
horrible and the add-on becomes better. (:

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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