c. marlow chris at
Sun Mar 30 01:44:42 UTC 2014

On Sunday, March 30, 2014 10:55:27 A Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Mar 2014 05:34:37 PM Steve Riley wrote:
> > Continuing to support a vanishing use case is unwise. Each decision made
> > to
> > perpetuate increasingly older machines comes with some kind of tradeoff,
> > and these tradeoffs are becoming more and more difficult to make. 32-bit
> > support will eventually be dropped at some point.
> There will be other lightweight distro's optimised for older hardware, and
> previous versions of kubuntu of course.

I have never seen this before...

Lindsay's email when I opened it has a yellow band that says

Not enough information to check signature validity.

then END OF SIGNED MESSAGE at the bottom 

what does that mean?


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