(K)buntu mail server

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Sun Mar 9 18:55:41 UTC 2014

On Sunday, March 09, 2014 05:25:27 PM David Fletcher wrote:
> KDE has nothing to do with running a mail server.
> At the moment I use Ubuntu Server (10.04 I think) with Postfix and
> Dovecot. Unless you've got a fixed IP you'll need to use something like
> no-ip to set up something to point your MX record at.

I think all the OP wants is something to deal with incoming mail.   I have 
what I consider a "mail server" and it is also a firewall and router to the 
internet.  Runs on a mini-atx fanless box about the size of a cigar box.  I 
think it draws about 25 watts.

But I use it to 'poll' about 6 email accounts that are located at various 
ISP's and to do mail distribution and spam checking.   I use postfix and 
dovecot  and spamassassin.

"The universe is laughing behind your back."

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