Kgpg problems

support support at
Tue Jul 22 01:00:30 UTC 2014


My advice would be just stick with gnupg (files) and enigmail (email). 
Seahorse is deprecated / not maintained but actually still works fine
too if you want GUI based key management features of any kind.  Its
pretty much fine.


On 20/07/2014 20:30, O. Sinclair wrote:
> Friends,
> being on 14.04 I have since somewhere in 2007 sometimes used (k)gpg to
> sign files and the odd email.
> I admit it is not very often and when I now read of someone having
> issues with kpgp I discovered that I too had serious issues.
> On starting the program it could not find or import my keyrings and I
> eventually had to delete my .conf file and reimport the original
> version of my key files. That I luckily have kept all these years...
> Kgpg was still complaining that it could not import the files but DID
> import them.
> I am not too overly impressed... for those who do use it I think it is
> pretty important that it actually DOES work when you want to use it?
> Regards
> Sinclair

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