dolphin question

Little Girl littlergirl at
Fri Aug 15 12:22:34 UTC 2014

Hey there,

O. Sinclair wrote:
> Little Girl wrote:
> >> I was hoping to find something a little more practical... and it 
> >> looks like I'm not the first person to be annoyed by it:
> >>
> >> although it's apparently been bikeshedded to death.
> > Heh, six years! Maybe they're being very thorough. (:
> A slightly longer press on TAB does the trick for me, does that not
> work for you?

Yep, it works just fine, but it flickers the window rapidly. I find
that distressing since such behavior can also signal a malfunction,
so I'd choose to use the multiple Tab key presses. (:

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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