HDMI problem

Phil phil_lor at bigpond.com
Fri Apr 18 22:09:44 UTC 2014

Thank you for reading this.

Under 12.04, HDMI worked the way I had expected, ie what was on the 
laptop screen also appeared on the HDMI screen and the mouse pointer was 
on both screens. This changed under 12.10, and also under 14.10. I now 
have two distinct screens with no obvious way of switching between them.

An application selected from the laptop appears on the HDMI screen only 
but the mouse pointer remains on the laptop screen meaning that I have 
no control over the selected application.

The "settings" application is of no use in this instance because once 
the laptop is booted up in HDMI I have lost mouse function.

Is there a way around this or is it a faulty function of the present 
video driver?


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