Urgent advise needed. Only guest profile accesible, my own profile not.

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 10:39:56 UTC 2013

Dear Everybody,

thanks for all your advises so far.

> Can you interrupt the boot process, and get into a console?

I think, this is the core issue. I do NOT manage to interrupt the boot
process and get into a console. I am working now with Kubuntu 13.04. The
MBR does not show up any more in the very beginning of the boot process -
like it used to until some versions ago. Via the MBR, I could  access some
recovery mode, now, this seems to be impossible.

> If so, mv ~/.kde ~/.kde.old and try booting up again.

Probably, this will be enough to solve the problem. However, without
terminal/ console, I cannot do anything.
Thanks, respectfully yours.


Bas G. Roufs

Utrecht, NL, E. BasRoufs at gmail.com; Mob. +31 6 446 835 10;
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