system incredibly slow

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Tue Oct 29 09:30:28 UTC 2013

Hi Luca,

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Luca Ferrari <fluca1978 at> wrote:
> Today my system, based on 12.10, started to be unresponsive. First of
> all, yesterday it worked as a charm and I did not any update/upgrade.
> Today the system, after the login, started to bee very slow and opened
> the dolphin on my home folder (I have setup to start with a clear
> session, so this is quite strange). Any kde based application is
> unresponsive, while non-kde or non-qt applications (like firefox) work
> fine. In order to understand just to open dolphin it takes up to 1
> minute!
> My kernel is 3.2.0_52 on x64, I've 4 gigabyte sof ram, sata hdd, kde
> is now at 4.11.2.
> Since this strange behavior, I did an apt-get upgrade today but nothing changed.
> I've nepomuk disabled, but I see a lot of cpu is consumed by
> plasma-desktop and akonadi notifications. I've tried to kill all
> akonadi processes, as well as zeitgeist based ones, but nothing
> changed.
> Any suggestion about how to get usable my machine again?

Did you check if you still have enough space on your disk, both for /
and your /home?

Regards, Myriam

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