HDD does spin down and up again and again

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 28 23:30:15 UTC 2013

On Wednesday 27 November 2013 11:12:05 Steve Riley wrote:
> The file /etc/hdparm.conf is your friend.

Thank you Steve,

well-intentioned but exactly what I did not ask for. As already pointed out, 
for many other DEs it's gvfs that wakes up the drives and for KDE it's 
something else and I want to know what is used by KDE, that does wake up 
drives. Unlikely that hdparm is able to set the parameter across the USB 
controller, but even if this should work, I don't want a workaround, I want to 
remove the buggy software KDE is using. I hoped somebody does know what part 
of KDE does touch hard drives without reason. For the DEs using gvfs nobody 
could tell me that it is gvfs, I had to search for the culprit. Hm? so I have 
to search for the culprit again :(.

It's against my philosophy to fix an issue of buggy software, by manipulating 
the hardware. In my case it unlikely could be fixed by hdparm, even if I would 
be willing to use it.

The Internet leads to kio as equivalent to gvfs for the virtual file system.

The hard disk parameters of my HDD are exactly as I want them. I want to know 
what software does cause the spin up.


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