BlueGriffon, Kate and FileZilla : a golden combination for web page editing.

Bas G. Roufs - En. basroufs at
Fri May 31 13:16:46 UTC 2013

Hello Christoph and Everybody. 

This is a good moment to shortly evaluate a golden combination for web page editing: 
BlueGriffon, Kate and FileZilla.

At present, I am using "BlueGriffon"as well as "Kate" more and more for web page 
editing - now via the platform "Kubuntu 13.04", along with "KDE 4.10.2.

Last week, the new version BlueGriffon 1.7 came in via an update. I am really happy 
that this package is being maintained so well and frequently - the package has really 
become better and better ever since I started using it. In fact, "BlueGriffon" popped 
up for me just in time. A  similar package is "Kompozer" - however, that one is not 
being maintained any more ever since about 2010. Also "Quanta Plus" is not available 
any more.  Internet pages I used to maintain with Kompozer, contained several little 
mistakes I discovered and took  away with "BlueGriffon". A very useful feature of the 
latter package consists of several  possibilities to identify and correct mistakes in the 
HTML coding of a web page. By example <a> - tags are red, as long as something is 
missing (e.g.. an </a> -tag) or incorrect, turn  blue when you are on the good way when 
typing codes, and finally become green when everything is correct and complete. 
Moreover, if some specific important code is missing somewhere after editing a page, 
BlueGriffon suggests which missing code to exactly bring in where.

A few months ago, I reported a bug because of which it is not possible to immediately 
open a local .html file. When trying to do so, BlueGriffon does start, but does not open 
the file. That's why, for the time being, I use a simple "workaround": , I open local .html 
files via BlueGriffon itself.  At some quiet moment, Christoph, I will try out your 
suggestions in this context and report my experience afterwords. 

In this context, BlueGriffon has another useful feature. It opens in tabs the html pages 
of the latest session: under the condition that you leave those pages in open tabs, 
while quitting the package. 

"Kate" I use as a very useful auxiliary package - for typing code, for copy -pasting 
specific bunches of code to other pages, etc... I also use it to open and edit .css files. 
When editing a .html page, I get a kind of colour feedback similar to that in 

Yesterday the two window system in the Firefox add-on "FireFTP" broke down 
because of a reason I still do not understand. That's why, I have tried "FileZilla" for 
remote file transfer purposes - I am really satisfied about it. It works much better then 
"FireFTP". Especially when uploading a large quantity of updated web files, "FileZilla" 
works simply excellently. 

Respectfully yours,

Bas G. Roufs. 

*/Bas G. Roufs MA/* 
Van 't Hoffstraat 1; NL - 3514 VT Utrecht 
E. BasRoufs at[1]; Mob. +31 6 446 835 10; Tel. +31 30 785 20 40. 
Open source OS: Kubuntu 13.04, see[2] .Websites in construction: ;;

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