At wits end over holding a sticky setting in kmail
Gene Heskett
gheskett at
Wed May 29 17:39:11 UTC 2013
On Wednesday 29 May 2013 13:32:31 Nils Kassube did opine:
> uteck wrote:
> > You can also turn off mail indexing in the Akondi control settings. It
> > stops search from working, but speeds up kmail.
> Well, searching doesn't work at all for me with Kmail2 (KDE 4.10.3).
> Therefore it seems to be a good idea to disable indexing. Thanks for the
> tip.
> Nils
I am mulling over the other answers I have received, thank you all who
But this is 10.04-4 and I apparently do not have that particular utility.
However, I am installing akonadiconsole to see if that is what I need.
And I am 'stuck' with this version until such time as linuxcnc works with a
newer kernel. That time is approaching, but not here yet.
Cheers, Gene
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