Hybrid ati Intel laptop

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Sun Mar 3 11:10:24 UTC 2013

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 3:47 AM, Dennis Linux <frankie-1 at hotmail.nl> wrote:
> Hello, my uncle got a hp laptop with a ati 7800 hybrid and Intel chipset.
> If i want to install the Cathalyst software from Ati, what have i to do to
> let it work?

I strongly advise you against the Catalyst driver, those don't work as
nearly as good on Linux compared to the ATI Radeon ones, provided you
use KDE 4.9 at least, 4.10 is even better as KWin now supports OpenGL.

Also the driver needs to be installed before launching the laptop with
that video-card. If you installed Kubuntu on that laptop normally the
Radeon driver should already be available, provided it was using the
ATI card at that moment. Else launching it with the embedded graphics,
install the Radeon driver, then restart with the ATI card (these
changes need to be done in the BIOS on start up) should just work.

Unlike Windows you can't switch the video card when already in
graphical mode, that is not supported, and it is like this because the
manufactures do not disclose the specifics to Linux. Don't blame Linux
for that, the Hardware manufacturers do that on purpose.

Regards, Myriam
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