Help file not displayed

Clay Weber clay at
Thu Nov 8 12:10:51 UTC 2012

On Thursday, November 08, 2012 08:41:00 PM Phil wrote:
> On 08/11/12 15:48, Doug wrote:
> > If you can find the help file in the installation that has it, you can
> > copy it to the same named directory in Kubuntu. Your file manager
> > (Dolphin?) should
> > be able to see both systems, with their directories, and you can simply
> > paste a copy into Kubuntu. Just like Windows!
> Thanks for your reply Doug,
> The odd thing is that both help directories in both installations are
> identical, yet the help file is not displayed under Kubuntu. This is
> what leads me to think that something is missing from my Kububtu
> installation.
> I have compared both installations looking for the difference but so far
> I haven't found anything obvious.

Perhaps you are missing whatever gnome/ubuntu uses for displaying help files, 
though I do not know what that would be. Also, it simply could be that this 
package, as it was automatically imported from Debian, might simply be mis-
configured at compile time. Many packages in the vast so-called "universe" 
section of the repos are like that, unless someone finds these bugs, reports 
and someone hopefully fixes it.

You  could try running the  program from a terminal and see if there are any 
error messages there when you try using the Help. It might tell us what is 

Clay Weber

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