Erratic mouse behavior in 12.04

Marcelo Magno T. Sales mmtsales at
Sun May 27 19:41:56 UTC 2012

Em domingo, 27 de maio de 2012, às 15:20:13, Leslie Anne Chatterton escreveu:
> Check in System Settings, Input Devices, Mouse. It sounds like you
> have enabled some behaviours that you don't want. The options on that
> page enable/disable the ability for "hover selection" and dragging
> without clicking.


I do not have these options there. I have three tabs:
General: options here are right/left handed, invert scroll direction and 
single-click/double-click to open files
Advanced: pointer acceleration, some time intervals and lines to roll with 
mouse wheel
Mouse navigation: options to configure mouse cursor navigation with the 

Couldn't find these options you mentioned anywhere in System Settings...



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