amarok cannot play CD

Lorenzo Bettini lorenzo.bettini at
Sat May 26 14:49:58 UTC 2012

On 05/26/2012 09:55 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 26/05/12 17:09, Lorenzo Bettini wrote:
>> Hi
>> anyone experiencing this annoying problem which has been around for
>> many years? Amarok 2.5 is still not able to play audio CDs! The CD
>> shows up in the local collection, but with 0 tracks...
> Hang on for a second....amImisunderstanding somethinghere....
> You are asking about a "..problem which has been around for *many*
> years" [my emphasis].
> And you have a "PhD in Computer Science", right?
> Just checking that this is correct.
> Anything in a Linux distribution is open source. You are aware of this,
> right?

I'm experiencing this problem in amarok 2.5 (and in bug reports it was 
said that it has been fixed in version 2.5), that's why I'm asking...

what's this got to do with open source?  (by the way, I'm maintainer of 
many open source software, in particular GNU packages...)

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