[precise] k9copy: unable to open /dev/sr0

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Mon May 21 14:13:21 UTC 2012

Basil Chupin said the following at 05/17/2012 10:57 PM :
> On 18/05/12 14:30, D. R. Evans wrote:
>> Basil Chupin said the following at 05/17/2012 08:32 PM :
>>> On 18/05/12 03:17, D. R. Evans wrote:
>>>> After installing precise, k9copy tells me that it cannot open /dev/sr0.
>>> What exactly do you mean by this?
>> When I run k9copy and say "Open", it responds with "cannot open disc /dev/sr0".
>>> What happens when - without k9copy running! - you insert a DVD into the
>>> drive - does the menu come up (bottom right) "asking" you what you want
>>> to do with the DVD and is the option to use k9copy there?
>> Yes.
> I guess what I meant to add earlier was: what happens if you select 
> k9copy form this menu - does k9copy start but then it cannot open sr0, 
> right?


> A most interesting puzzle :-) . I know that k9copy is no longer 
> supported - the author gave up trying to maintain it over 12 months ago 
> - but even so it should at least recognise and open disc in sr0.
> OK, have you tried running k9copy in a terminal? Often this may show 
> what may be causing the problem.

It says:

Disc in /dev/sr0 is a video DVD.

(It says this before I try to open the disc, when it puts the k9copy
application window on the screen.)

> Have you looked at the logs in /var/log/ ?

Which log(s) in particular? There are a lot of files in that directory.

> How about ~/.kde4/share/config/K9copy to see if there is anything here 
> which looks "not quite right"?

I imagine that you mean ~/.kde/share/config/K9copy

The only thing in that file that made wonder is that there is a line that says:


I wondered if it should say:


but when I made that change k9copy instantly crashed on startup, so I put it
back the way it was.

> Finally, have you tried creating a new user and trying out k9copy as 
> this user?

Yes. I even made the user (dangerously) a member of every group. Made no
difference: k9copy still wouldn't open /dev/sr0.

My best speculation is that the act of inserting a disc into /dev/sr0 causes
some other program to grab /dev/sr0 in a way that renders it impossible for
k9copy to open the device. But that doesn't make much sense, since other
programs seem to be able to open it OK. I'm completely out of ideas at this point.


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