Importiing Kmail to thunderbird ?possible

Marcelo Magno T. Sales mmtsales at
Tue May 8 13:08:21 UTC 2012

2012/5/8 Richard Terry <richard at>:
> After many years I've relectantly decided to give up my kmailĀ  and switch to
> thunderbird, and I wondered if anyone had successfullyl imported the kmail
> folders/messages, or if it was possible
> Regards
> richard

As much as I can tell, there's no direct way to import your Kmail's
maildir into Thunderbird's mbox store. However, you can do this
indirectly using an IMAP server. You can install your own IMAP server,
connect Kmail to it and move all your mail folders to the server. Then
connect to this server using Thunderbird and move back your folders.
Probably you can do this using gmail's IMAP to intermediate the
transfer, which would make unecessary to setup a local IMAP server.
However, depending on your needs, maybe Thunderbird is not the ideal
mail client because of its mbox local store. Thunderbird works well
and I like its interface but, although there are many features I use
in Kmail that do not exist in Thunderbird and that I would sure miss,
the main problem that really prevents me from switching to it is the
mbox format for storing e-mail. mbox is very prone to corruption if
you have a LOT of e-mail stored or if you receive and delete too many
e-mails daily, and I do both. I could use IMAP to avoid these
problems, but I prefer to have my e-mail archive stored locally rather
than trusting it to some cloud provider far away.
For now, I'm stuck with Kmail with all its problems and bugs.


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