bin folder with a "check-home" file appeared in Home directory

Clay Weber clay at
Thu May 3 23:30:28 UTC 2012

> On Thursday, May 03, 2012 11:37:18 AM Lucas L wrote:
> Message: 7
> Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 23:23:03 -0700
> From: George Dvorak <gldvorak at>
> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at>
> Subject: Re: bin folder with a "check-home" file appeared in Home
>        directory
> Message-ID:
<CAA5A9LGHZde1P7mM5yJNK9DKBBQG0NgbOB81_m5JarNb9UU9Kw at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> I have an executable file also /proc/self/exe. What causes you to worry
> about this file?
> Sorry, I think I  wasn't clear enough. Yesterday night I opened my Home and 
found this new folder, called "bin", with a file inside called "check-home". To 
make it clear, what appeared is /home/user/bin/check-home. 
> I googled it and only found a result in a Linux-Mint forum, but the user 
with the same problem din't get an answer. 
> So I'm trying to figure out what is it about, and if it could be some kind of 
> Thanks,
> Lucas
Have you installed something manually via a script or installer other than a 
deb file? 

Some games that get installed to your home dir (ie as user and not system-
wide) and not requiring sudo can add directories like this. It can mirror your 
root folder heirarchy a little. A game may install an executable file in such a 
~/bin folder, for example. It is safe to remove, as it is not a system file, 
but obviously whatever you installed that needs it may not.


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