Seriously, Ubuntu Software Center? *g*

gene heskett gheskett at
Wed May 2 13:45:04 UTC 2012

On Wednesday, May 02, 2012 09:33:31 AM anj tuesday did opine:

> With captchas like these, I've yet to manage to sign up for the
> send-in-your-recommendations feature:

You got a better series of them than I did, and I also gave up.  But I 
should have known better, its a rare occasion indeed when the kde folks 
care what the user wants. I have gotten the impression that they will do 
anything they can to reduce the volume of incoming mail while making it 
_look_ like they take feedback.  Those capcha's are intended to be human 
solvable while OCR techniques fail.  But not even I've Been Moved's Watson 
could solve those.  Stuff them someplace dark with a methane atmosphere, 

Cheers, Gene
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