Gimp problem

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Fri Mar 30 15:46:01 UTC 2012

2012/3/30 Bas Roufs <basroufs at>:
> 2012/3/30 A. Mani <a.mani.cms at>
>> Gimp does not start in Kubuntu 11.04
> I would suggest the following:
> purge-uninstall GIMP and related packages - via some package manager
> restart the PC;
> than, install again GIMP and dependencies;
> restart your computer
> try to start GIMP in the normal way or via ALT-F2.

With all respect this sound much like how one do it in Windows.
The first thing I would try is make a backup of your ~/.gimp-2.6
folder delete the original and start gimp from a shell to see it's
It may give some clues why it SIGSEV. If that don't work I would purge
all gimp related packages and GTK+ and reinstall them.

Good luck!

/ Jonas Norlander

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