Horrible fonts 11.10

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Wed Mar 14 14:52:50 UTC 2012

On 03/14/2012 12:58 PM, Mark Greenwood wrote:
> I quite often find that when you change those font settings you need to log out and log in again before they have the correct effect. It can be tedious. I also find that setting it to one thing and then changing it back doesn't always get it back to the initial state without a complete reboot, or maybe two complete reboots. Shouting at it helps too, I think. It's been that way since I can remember, even back into KDE3.
> Mark
> On 14 Mar 2012, at 10:53, Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> Running 11.10
>> Don't really know why I did it but I went into System Setting>  Application Appearance>  Fonts and changed the option 'Use anti_aliasing:' from 'System Settings' to 'Enabled' and then clicked on the 'Configure' button and checked 'Use sub-pixel rendering:'RGB' and then chose 'Hinting style:' 'Medium'. Clicked 'OK' and then 'Apply'.
>> Then the fonts looked ugly in newly opened apps. I then went back and returned the font setting to how they were to begin with: 'Use anti_aliasing:' 'System Settings'. But still the fonts looked the same :-( No matter what I tried to change the fonts still are ugly.
>> What can I do to get back my nice looking fonts?
>> Nigel
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Tried the 2 reboots after putting back the settings as they were originally but the fonts are not 
crisp as they used to be.
Since this was a per-user setting (I didn't have to enter my password so it can't have had a 
system wide effect), there must be a config file somewhere in .kde that I can change or 
overwrite. Any ideas what it might be called?

I might just rename .kde and let KDE create a new one (then arrange my user space how I like 


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