Horrible fonts 11.10

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Wed Mar 14 10:53:11 UTC 2012

Running 11.10
Don't really know why I did it but I went into System Setting > Application Appearance > Fonts 
and changed the option 'Use anti_aliasing:' from 'System Settings' to 'Enabled' and then clicked 
on the 'Configure' button and checked 'Use sub-pixel rendering:'RGB' and then chose 'Hinting 
style:' 'Medium'. Clicked 'OK' and then 'Apply'.
Then the fonts looked ugly in newly opened apps. I then went back and returned the font setting 
to how they were to begin with: 'Use anti_aliasing:' 'System Settings'. But still the fonts 
looked the same :-( No matter what I tried to change the fonts still are ugly.

What can I do to get back my nice looking fonts?


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