Webcam - sound

Neil Winchurst barnaby at
Tue Mar 13 13:23:33 UTC 2012

On 13/03/12 13:14, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 13/03/12 19:32, Neil Winchurst wrote:
>> On 12/03/12 22:02, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> Thanks for this.
>>> But the only hassle with the last para re Mint n the laptop: as I
>>> already mentioned in my earlier suggestions to you re getting the mic
>>> working is that pulse sits *ON* *TOP* of alsa - without alsa there is no
>>> pulseaudio. Once you get alsa working then you can use pulseaudio and
>>> its pavucontrol to control the audio.
>>> BC
>> Well, I am not very knowledgeable about how sound works in Linux. My
>> laptop made no mention of pulseaudio. When I was setting up the webcam
>> for Skype I went to the audio section under options and found a list of
>> possible inputs, stating that it was using Alsa. I chose the webcam from
>> the list and it just worked.
>> On my desktop, when trying to set up Skype sound, I found no such list
>> so I had to use the methods shown in the video as mentioned earlier. So
>> I found the sound set up for my laptop quickly and simply. For my
>> desktop it took three days of research to get there.
>> So, is it possible to use Alsa alone, without pulseaudio?
> One of the first things I try and do is get rid of pulseaudio and just
> use alsa. So, the answer is YES.
> However, for some reason only known to some, it suddenly became
> impossible to delete pulseaudio on some distros :-( . In this/these
> cases I simply ignore pulseaudio and just go with alsa.
>> Thanks for the info,
> You're welcome.
> BC
I think I will go along with the 'if it ain't broken, don't fix it'
system. It works so I will leave it alone. I will just repeat that on my
desktop pulse appeared as the default sound system. On my laptop there
was no sign of it (pulse that is) only Alsa was there. I have not messed
around with anything re sound on either computer.
Thanks for all the help.


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