default desktop

Glenn Holmer shadowm at
Thu Jun 14 20:36:05 UTC 2012

On 06/13/2012 08:09 AM, uteck wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 5:40 AM, Glenn Holmer<shadowm at>  wrote:
>> I have the pager set up with eight virtual desktops. When KDE starts up, it
>> always switches to desktop 8 as soon as initialization is complete. Is there
>> a way to change that behavior (either turn it off or select a different
>> desktop as the default)? I'm on Kubuntu Precise with all the latest updates.

> Do you have the system set up to restart a saved session when you
> login?  That is what it seems like it is doing.  I had a problem like
> that some time ago.  KDE used to restart my last session, but after an
> upgrade it got stuck and only restarted the same one.  I changed
> settings around then back to restore last session, then it worked
> again.

Yes, I see that it's set to "Restore previous session" (is that the 
default?). But regardless of which screen I'm on when I log out, it 
switches to screen 8 when initialization is complete (see above).

I switched to "restore manually saved session", then saved the session 
from the K menu and logged out. When I logged back in, only the apps in 
the saved session started... but after a moment, it switched to screen 8 

Smells like a bug to me. Is the preferred place to raise an 

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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