How do I disable plymouth theme and show boot messages like old times?

Waleed Hamra kubuntu-users at
Thu Jun 14 17:36:49 UTC 2012

On 14/06/12 20:09, Andrew d~_*b wrote:
> Hello People,
> I want to be able to view the boot messages when booting the my system using GRUB2

you don't have to uninstall anything. in a terminal, or krunner, type:

kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub

this will open up kate, look for the line that reads:


delete quiet and splash to make it look:


save and close kate, then in a terminal window, type:

sudo update-grub2

and you're done, the next time you boot, you get full messages :)

Waleed K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems

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