compiling lightdm-kde greeter
O. Sinclair
o.sinclair at
Fri Jun 8 03:59:05 UTC 2012
On 07/06/2012 21:45, Clay Weber wrote:
> "O. Sinclair" <o.sinclair at> wrote:
> On 07/06/2012 12:43, Clay Weber wrote:
> On Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:16:53 AM O. Sinclair wrote:
> Am on Kubuntu 11.10 and want to try out lighdm-kde greeter.
> Have found
> the git and cloned it - but am stuck at how to compile, what
> input
> parameters and packages are needed.
> Anyone has a clue or I am stuck with KDM until I (again)
> upgrade to
> 12.04 (not before KDE SC 4.9 is in repos).
> Kind regards,
> Sinclair
> It is in the Precise repos, you can install it without compiling
> , no ppa
> needed:
> lightdm-kde-greeter
> As I stated in the first sentence I am back on Oneiric and will stay
> there until KDE moves to 4.9 and is in the Precise repos. And I read
> some good reviews of it. KDEPIM 4.8.3 felt like one big regression from
> 4.7.4 and I use KDEPIM extensively.
> I downloaded the package from Precise but as can be expected it has
> dependencies Oneiric can not fulfill. The PPA is outdated and I have not
> managed to get it to work so I want to try the git code.
> Kindly
> Sinclair
> Sorry, I simply got my numbers names mixed up. My apologies.
> What steps have you done so far? If you haven't already you should
> install build-essential and kdelibs5, as well as cmake if that is not
> pulled in. Not being near a computer atm I would think that running
> $ sudo apt-get build-dep lightdm will be necessary as well.
> Off the top of my head the only issues you may have dependency wise
> would be if the greeter requires some kde qt or lightdm version that is
> newer than what is in oneiric, but that probably is fine.
> Just to be forewarned, kdepim might not have many updates when KDE
> releases 4.9 as it normally has it's own release schedule.
> I also am not positive if 4.9 will make it into the normal repos for
> 12.04, though it will make it into a ppa. We don't normally get major
> point releases from the one in each version, but as 12.04 is a 5 year
> LTS, that may be up in the air.
> --
Thanks for advice Clay. I have all the build essentials and cmake, it is
during cmake it goes bonkers. May try again, for now I shelve it. Tried
the outdated ppa and and that was not a good experience.
As for KDEPIM they have a 4.9 version "in trunk" so it should form part
of KDE SC 4.9. And Kubuntu has a history of at least putting it in one
of the kubuntu ppa's so I hope for that. Will wait and see. Another
issue I have with 12.04 is that suddenly hibernation stopped working,
even after going through recommended steps to bring it back (it is
disabled by default). And a Remastersys copy I made would for the first
time not get things "back to normal" after I made on experiment too many
and reinstalled with my Remastersys iso.
So far not impressed by this LTS actually.
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