compiling lightdm-kde greeter

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Thu Jun 7 15:36:30 UTC 2012

On 07/06/2012 12:43, Clay Weber wrote:
> On Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:16:53 AM O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Am on Kubuntu 11.10 and want to try out lighdm-kde greeter. Have found
>> the git and cloned it - but am stuck at how to compile, what input
>> parameters and packages are needed.
>> Anyone has a clue or I am stuck with KDM until I (again) upgrade to
>> 12.04 (not before KDE SC 4.9 is in repos).
>> Kind regards,
>> Sinclair
> It is in the Precise repos, you can install it without compiling , no ppa
> needed:
> lightdm-kde-greeter
As I stated in the first sentence I am back on Oneiric and will stay 
there until KDE moves to 4.9 and is in the Precise repos. And I read 
some good reviews of it. KDEPIM 4.8.3 felt like one big regression from 
4.7.4 and I use KDEPIM extensively.

I downloaded the package from Precise but as can be expected it has 
dependencies Oneiric can not fulfill. The PPA is outdated and I have not 
managed to get it to work so I want to try the git code.


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