Akonadi etc (Neil Winchurst)

José Queiroz zekkerj at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 14:21:37 UTC 2012

I see that Digital Clock is an Akonadi-enabled application. Is there a
non-akonadi-enabled similar widget, so one can have a mere clock on its
panel, without having to bear the beast, also?

Em 23 de fevereiro de 2012 11:50, Pablo Carbonell-Klempt <pcklempt at gmail.com
> escreveu:

> Hello Neil,
> Maybe this could throw some light on the subject:
> http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi
> You may definitively look for another distro and desktop.
> Cheers,
> Pablo Carbonell-Klempt
> 2012/2/20 <kubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Re: Akonadi etc (Neil Winchurst)
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