Canonical pulls the plug on Kubuntu

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Feb 8 00:30:16 UTC 2012

On 08/02/12 05:05, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
>> I am sorry to say that I can't help but see a very nasty move from
>> Canonical here. The timing speaks for itself, after including Kubuntu as
>> a full citizen with a LTS release, Canonical "pulls the plug" few weeks
>> before it's actually out.
> The subject line here is misleading, "pulls the plug" isn't entirely
> right, it won't get the same resources but it can still continue with
> the same resouces canonical gives to other community flavours.
>> What happened for them to suddenly realize
>> they couldn't afford to keep one developer on Kubuntu ?
> It's rational business sense not to spend money on something that
> isn't making money.

Ah, and so all the other flavours ARE making money, especially Ubuntu 
with Unity? Give us a break :-) .....

And sorry to see you lose your job :-( .


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