Canonical pulls the plug on Kubuntu

Jörg von Frantzius jfrantzius at
Tue Feb 7 13:11:18 UTC 2012

That's really sad. I was wondering for a while, though, how and why funding
for Kubuntu happens...

2012/2/7 Basil Chupin <blchupin at>

> Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Today I bring the disappointing news that Canonical will no longer be
> funding my work on Kubuntu after 12.04. Canonical wants to treat
> Kubuntu in the same way as the other community flavors such as
> Edubuntu, Lubuntu, and Xubuntu, and support the projects with
> infrastructure. This is a big challenge to Kubuntu of course and KDE
> as well.
>**479710/ <>
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> A three-year-old boy was examining his testicles while taking a bath.
> "Mum" he asked, "are these my brains?"
> "Not yet," she replied.
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