Nepomuk performance
Valter Mura
valtermura at
Mon Feb 6 19:56:08 UTC 2012
In data sabato 4 febbraio 2012 11:28:16, Mark Greenwood ha scritto:
> On 4 Feb 2012, at 06:09, Steve Riley wrote:
> > On 2012-02-03 23:34:00 Mark Greenwood wrote:
> >> C'Mon peopleā¦. email is over 40 years old. It's no longer rocket science,
> >> it's an everyday activity. If it's this difficult to configure a client
> >> then something is very wrong with the client in terms of fundamental
> >> design. This shouldn't be tolerated in something which is released for
> >> general use. Shame on you, Kubuntu.
> >
> > Well, I wouldn't be so quick to fault Kubuntu. Were I to engage in a bit
> > of
> > blamestorming, I'd throw some in Google's direction. If their IMAP were,
> > oh I dunno, _standard_ or something like that, then maybe we wouldn't
> > have so many problems.
> Works fine with Thunderbird and Apple Mail. And I don't think the fact the
> account wizard doesn't work, or the fact you have to do a sync, close
> KMail, then reopen it change yet more settings can be blamed on Google.
> Like I said. In Apple Mail and Thunderbird the setup procedure is : Enter
> email address and password. That's it. That's how it should be these days.
> Setting up KMail is like setting up email used to be in 1990. It's not good
> enough, and KMail used to be really good indeed. KDE4 seems to have so much
> emphasis on superficial bells and whistles while anything approaching
> functionality has been left till last. It really has all gone a bit
> Windows.
Mark, you're right and I agree with you. I have TB setup and ready to use
(just in case...)
But, as Kmail is KDE native, and I work in the localization team, and I need
to try the Kde apps to check them and to file bugs, and also because I like
Kontact and Kmail, I "do want" to use them, even if I have to struggle for
their use and to understand and help, if possible, the other users in the use.
Of course, I cannot suggest Kmail for production use at its current state, at
work people cannot permit to lose mails or wait hours after an upgrade.
That said, after Steve's suggestions, the system started to work quite smooth
and fast, even if I dedicated 350 MB of 1 GB RAM to Nepomuk, and I have an
"ancient" system (PIV 2.8 ghz / 1 GB Ram / 512 MB video card).
One thing that TB has and for which I want to file a wish for Kmail, is the
possibility to decide how many months the program must check and sync the
server's mail.
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