Address completion

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Mon Feb 6 18:38:20 UTC 2012

On 01/11/11 15:00, Georgi Kourtev wrote:
> Kubuntu 11.10, KDE 4.7.2, Konact 4.7.2
> Since the update to 11.10 the autocompletion in the address does not show
> names, just emails. Names are shown however if I open the address books
> through the 'Select...' option next to the 'To' line. It seems to me that
> KMail looks at the recently used addresses only.
> In the setting for address completion I have the correct order of address
> books.
> Any ideas how to fix this?
> Thanks,
> gk
it went missing again from my 4.7.4 - just like that! But now I have 
figured out a method to get it back. A WEIRD method but it works for me...

1. Leave Personal Contacts resource as it is
2. Use System Settings Akonadi resources to create a vcard resource 
based on a local directory - point it to the same folder as Personal 
3. In Kontact indicate that you only want to use Personal Contacts and ..
voila it works..

I have also been in the "depreciated" KDE resources and I think I tried 
to tick Personal Contacts as "standard" even though it is "read-only" there.

Can someone/anyone confirm this works in 4.8 too?


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