What is the best program to use for OCR

eric jackson ejazzkatt at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 04:40:39 UTC 2012

On 02/04/2012 11:26 PM, John Batt wrote:
> I have a book that I wrote 9 yrs ago and the original copy has been 
> lost in numerous hard drives over the years.  I have a hard copy left 
> and don't really feel like retyping all 100 pages.  What is the best 
> software to use for OCR to get it into Libre/Open Office?

There are several different OCR programs that are available.but there 
are also OCR services online, some are free and others charge a fee. I 
have found them to work better than the software that I have installed 
in Kubuntu.


I have tried these but you can find more using Google.

Eric jackson

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