It's so nice not having to compile programs anymore...

Thomas Tanghus Olsen thomas at
Wed Feb 1 12:16:35 UTC 2012

...but when you once in a while have to do it, I have totally forgotten how.

I've downloaded 
and of course I didn't have any dev packages installed, so I've installed:

kde-sc-dev-latest kdesdk kdesdk-misc kdesdk-scripts

but still get this error. Please remind my Swiss cheese brain what I need to 

CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:98 (MESSAGE):
  ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in

On Kubuntu 11.10 with KDE SC 4.8.

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus Olsen

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