Kontact in Kubuntu 11.10: how to import a local calendar into Akonadi Googledata?

Bas Roufs - message in English basroufs at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 21:04:36 UTC 2012

Hello Everybody,

At present, I am working with KDE 4.8.2. along with Kubuntu 11.10. 
I do manage now to sync with the google calendar and address book via Akonadi 
Googledata. However, I still do not manage to import a local calendar into the 
one of Google - in spite of several months of research at the internet and at 
a few forums.

Below, I summarise what I have been doing so far in this context.

Of course, I make backups of my ical files all the time. 

In K-Menu > System, I have changed settings in  "personal information": 
especially in the akonadi configuration module. There, I have added the 
birthday and the google calendar resource. Aditionally, I have removed there 
all the other resources, including the one of the "personal calendar" - 
however, without deleting it's ical file. Then, I tried to import that file into 
the Akonadi Googledata calendar via Dolphin, via Konqueror and directly via 
Kontact > Calendar > File > Import > Import calendar. So far, none of those 
methods have been effective! When importing an .ics file directly into Google, 
only the events get through: not the tasks.

Be so kind to provide me with your suggestions and thoughts. Thanks, 
respectfully yours,
Bas Roufs.

Bas G. Roufs MA
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT Utrecht
The Netherlands
E. BasRoufs at gmail.com
Mob. +31 6 446 835 10
Tel. +31 30 785 40
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Open source OS: Linux Kubuntu 11.10. 
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