linux and cell phones

Clay Weber claydoh at
Sun Sep 18 04:57:46 UTC 2011

On Sunday, September 18, 2011 06:13:44 AM Errol Sapir wrote:
> I am about to go into the smartphone world. Is there a recommended smart
> phone type to use with Linux. My unprofessional take is that an Android
> phone would be more compatible. Am I making sense?? Thanks for any input
> Errol

My wife has one (a Samsung Fascinate Android), and I will be getting one soon.

Android phones can be connected to a linux pc and seen as a usb drive.
She never actually connects it to her laptop except to transfer the 
occaisional recorded video.

The point of smartphones, especially androids and google, is to not have to 
connect to another device. They sync to the cloud, and your phone or desktop 
syncs back from there. 

Even an iphone has some support, but with every firmware change things get 
re-broken in terms of connecting to a linux box. 
UbuntuOne supports file syncing with iPhones, but that is not a decent deal for 
KDE users.

Now I have almost zero hands-on experience with smartphones, as my wife does 
not let me 'play' with her phone, and she's had it almost a year now  :)

So really it boils down  to what you like, for the most part.

Clay Weber 

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